ໂທຫາພວກເຮົາ +86-15192680619
ສົ່ງອີເມວຫາພວກເຮົາ info@qdboss.cn

ຝາຜະຫນັງປ້ອງກັນໄຟ ຜູ້ຜະລິດ

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 


  • ເພດານແກ້ວ Acoustic

    ເພດານແກ້ວ Acoustic

    QDBOSS Fiberglass Acoustic Ceiling are made by centrifugal fiberglass board with fiberglass felt (black, white or customized color). The acoustic ceiling edge was solidified with eco-friendly resin to increase durability and stability.
  • DIY Acoustic Treatment

    DIY Acoustic Treatment

    ການປິ່ນປົວດ້ວຍສຽງແບບ DIY ກຳ ລັງໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມນິຍົມໃນບໍ່ດົນມານີ້. ປະຊາຊົນມັກທີ່ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ການຮັກສາສຽງໂດຍຕົນເອງ. ແລະກະດານເສັ້ນໄຍ polyester ແມ່ນວັດສະດຸທີ່ດີ ສຳ ລັບ DIY.
  • Luxury Cinema Wall Carpet

    Luxury Cinema Wall Carpet

    ຍິນດີຕ້ອນຮັບການຂາຍສົ່ງຫຼືປັບແຕ່ງ Luxury Cinema Wall Carpet ຈາກໂຮງງານຂອງພວກເຮົາໄດ້ທຸກເວລາ. ພວກເຮົາຈະສະຫນອງລາຄາຜ່ອນຜັນໂຮງງານຜະລິດສໍາລັບຜະລິດຕະພັນຂອງພວກເຮົາ. Qdboss ແມ່ນຜູ້ຜະລິດແລະຜູ້ຜະລິດຜ້າພົມຜະຫນັງ Luxury Cinema ໃນປະເທດຈີນ.
  • Eco Friendly Wall Panel

    Eco Friendly Wall Panel

    Eco Friendly Wall Panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.
  • ກະດານຝາອັດສຽງ


    ກະດານຜະລິດຕະພັນ Acoustic Felt ຖືກສ້າງຕັ້ງຂຶ້ນໂດຍອຸນຫະພູມແລະຄວາມກົດດັນສູງໂດຍການປຸງແຕ່ງດ້ວຍເຂັມ, ແລະຄວາມສູງແມ່ນສູງກວ່າ 90%.
  • ແຜງເຮັດດ້ວຍອາກາດ Polyester Acoustic

    ແຜງເຮັດດ້ວຍອາກາດ Polyester Acoustic

    Polyester Acoustic Dampening Panels are synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.


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